Puppies „A”

Litter A

Litter statistics

  • 4 puppies born – 3 males and 1 bitch
  • 1 extra crown – male
  • No DS
  • No block tail
  • Minimum white
  • All correct bite
  • All Puppies are JME Free by parents <3

We present:

ADARA Sirius – Canis Maior

Golden girl – first-born in our kennel … The most awaited and pampered by the brothers and mother. The first „star” Sirius – Canis Maior. Beautiful long ridge, beautiful color and small white spot on chest. After the first day the bigger <3 From the first days she was on the forefront of everything, frist with milk, first one that opened eyes, first one to try walking. Resolute, stubborn and self-confident girl while her tendency to eat and curiosity makes it an ideal dog to learn. Beautiful bright red wheat color, round eyes, nice lines and angulation and beautiful parapet, is the essence of what we wanted to get.

Adara stay in our kennel <3

ARGOS Sirius – Canis Maior

Violet boy – was born as the second of our „star”. Beautiful dark boy with white spot on chest and little white partially on the fingers but with increasing significance on the fingers may decrease or disappear (time will tell) 🙂 the loudest od the brood to the second week of life when he was outpaced by Agis… but he quickly bounced back into his old position” 😉 boy who takes the world with some aloofness, but with food bribe he learns quickly and is much quieter than his sister. A dark muzzle, strong head, nice lines, angulation and parapet but it turned out that he also has small extra crown that will not bother him, however, in the new home <3.

Argos lives near the Paderborn with Anja and her sons. <3

AMOR Sirius – Canis Maior

Puppy Champion of Montenegro
Junior Champion of Montenegro

Green boy – my favorite boy <3 beautiful long standard ridge. The heaviest at birth, but he came out the fastest 😉 Brave, open to the people and controlled by drinking milk. In the seven weeks of age still hungry for human contact. Beautiful head and ear, tight legs, nice lines, angulation and neck bright red – the color of wheat. Together with the ADAR two biggest crazy puppy  <3.

Amor lives in Hamburg with Anja, Thorsten and dog brother Anum. <3

AGIS Sirius – Canis Maior

Orange boy – our „happiness„. As they say „the last shall be first”, the lightest of the litter, but during the day caught up with the rest and exceeded 400 g! The second dark boy in the team with a beautiful wide ridge. From the second week he was our great night club singer, but quickly realized that singing does not work for us .Quiet, calm, follows his man, in one word ideal dog. According to our trainer and dog behaviorist „universal and seamless.” Beautiful delicate head, beautiful lines, angulation and parapet and nice neck and red wheat color <3 the biggest sweetheart in the litter <3

Agis lives near Stettin with Lilianna, Jacek and his dog brother Żwirek <3