Adara information

Adara Sirius – Canis Maior

(In 25 % Australian blood line)

Rally-Obedience Puppy Championship
Champion of Poland
Champion of Serbije
Champion of Macedonie
Rally – Obedience 1
Interchampion, Junior Champion of Poland

BIS III Puppy Manowo 2017, multi BOB puppy, 5x BOB, 3x BOS, 4 x CACiB


Born: 22.10.2016 r.

Sir: Cl. Ch. Igugu Lethu Brilliant Boma (bonitation ZZP)
Dam: R1,R2,R3,BH, Ch., J.Ch. Shana Rhodesian Park Dolomity (R1, R2, R3, BH, Mentaltests: 5/5)

HD: A/A.
ED: 0/0.
OCD: free
Spondylosis: free
LTV: Free

D-locus: ./. (…)
B-locus: B/B (free)
Ridge disposition (R): R/r

Certificate of eye examination – unaffected genetic eye diseases
Certificate of heart examination –
Thyroid: proper
USG: internal organs proper
Blood biochemistry: in the norm
Full and correct scissor bite
Hight: 65 cm
Weight: 35 kg
Colour: red-weathen

Owner: Sylwia Kołodziejczak
Handler: Sylwia Kołodziejczak
Breeder: Sylwia Kołodziejczak




Adara is the first puppy which was orn in our hennel ❤ As a puppy she is a very active dog, which wants human love and gives the joy to the whole world ❤ Her origin makes her extremely eager to work with a man and that’s what we want, we desire that every pup who comes from our kennel be so willikg to work like Adara ❤ At a very young age she is very agile, fast and strona and I hope to use it in sports as soon as she grows up. She is also extremely intelligent, inventive and creative, always finds a companion to play or comes up with a „new game”. Her advantages are willingly used for training in obedience. At the age of 10 weeks she knew commands such as „sit”, „down”, „leave”, „come”, „stand”, „wait”. I’m sure we will use her potential.

First Rhodesian Ridgeback in Poland with „Rally- Obedience Puppy Championshiip” title!!!!
She has not finished 7 months yet !!!


More photos in the gallery …. Click there
  • Rally-Obedience Puppy Championship
  • Rally Obedience class 1
  • Rally Obedience class 2
  • BH
  • Mental Tests: 5/5
. Training:
  • Obedience
  • PTT
  • PT
  • Dummy
  • BH
.  More:
  • training Fit Paws
  • activities with children (in kindergarten)


Litters: „C”, „F”, „I”

Adara videos training.

Adara work.